A place to find ramblings of questionable sanity.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Prison Expansions: Money Well Spent?

So, today I was sent an email from one of my profs about a survey on the public opinion of the Fed's Law and Order Agenda. I decided to look at it, and see if I had any opinions on it. So often I don't know my opinion on something until I'm asked to share it.

Now, I'm at a very complex point in my life where I'm very unclear as to what my political views are. I say I'm Conservative just so I have something to say, but truthfully I have no f'ing idea just now. But I'm ok with that, because I'm still figuring out my opinions, and I've decided I want to figure out my opinions based on what *I* decide, rather than based on the political party I decide to be affiliated with. Anywho, here is my opinion on the matter, completely free of influence from anywhere but my own mind and experiences.

I'm a firm believer in the punishment of criminals. (Feel free to point out the irony here, given my sometimes criminal behavior). I guess its probably the Mother Hen gene I seem to carry so strongly, but I like the idea of people who go around killing and raping people being locked up. As a matter of fact, I like the idea of people who go around killing and raping people being DEAD. But something about spending $2 billion on prison expansion makes me uneasy. I can't help but feel like at least SOME of this money would be better used on rehabilitation, rather than containment.

Coming from a small town, and having at one time been friends with some questionable people, I've rubbed shoulders with a criminal or two. And the thing about these people is, they're not terrible people for the worst part. Usually, the problem stems from addictions within their family that lead to an abuse of substances which lead them to get into a fight with some other jackass and then they get sent to the corrections facility. Then, they get out of the corrections facility, and they are far closer to being hardened, dangerous, criminals than they were before they went there. They find new sources and hookups for drugs, make more dangerous friends, and its all a downward spiral from there.

How many people in our jails are there because they started off as young offendors? I would wager the number isn't small. So, its my opinion that it would be much more productive to use at the very least *some* of that money for rehabilitation- addictions counselling, more social workers, anything to help save at least some of these kids from lives of crime, and show them that they can be productive members of society in spite of their upbringing.

But that's just my humble opinion.